June 9, 2022

How Long Do You Brush Your Teeth?

How long do you brush YOUR teeth?

One study conducted found the average time spent brushing is only 45 seconds, and when compared with what recommendations, was found to remove approximately 26% less plaque.

Some tips Dr. Hollingdale shares to improve plaque removal while brushing:
- Use an electric toothbrush! Many have preprogrammed timers that keep you on track.
- Focus on those areas commonly missed, like the surfaces facing the tongue on the lower teeth and surfaces facing the cheek on the upper molars.

For even more plaque removal, Dr. Hollingdale recommends daily flossing as thorough brushing can remove all plaque that your bristles will cover, but will end up missing 40% of the tooth.

Interested in scheduling an appointment for your checkup? We have two easy ways to book: Call us at 613-435-4867 or book online at https://www.poolecreekdental.ca/book-online

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