May 16, 2022

Are Easter Candies Bad For My Child's Teeth?

As Easter approaches, many parents are stocking up on chocolates and other Easter candy for the kids. One question I hear from parents is 'what can I do to keep my child's teeth healthy during Easter?' or 'Are Easter candies bad for my child's teeth?'

Any food or drink that is acidic or contains sugars can be harmful to teeth. Baby teeth often have thinner layers of enamel, so cavities can happen easier.

What can you do to limit the risk?  The frequency of candy consumption can be a major factor in cavity production. Instead of allowing multiple small snacks during the day, consider limiting the Easter snacking to one time each day.
What we eat with the Easter candy can help in preventing cavities. Instead of snacking with only candy, consider adding protective foods, such as cheese, with or at the end of snack time.

As always, making sure to emphasize good brushing and flossing

For more tips, check out Dr. Hollingdale's blog on

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